Realizing dipolar spin models with arrays of superconducting qubits. Microwave Engineering 4th edn (Wiley, 2012).ĭalmonte, M. Charge-insensitive qubit design derived from the Cooper pair box. Interacting two-level defects as sources of fluctuating high-frequency noise in superconducting circuits. Decoherence benchmarking of superconducting qubits. Characterizing decoherence rates of a superconducting qubit by direct microwave scattering. Cooling and autonomous feedback in a Bose-Hubbard chain with attractive interactions.
Universal quantum computation in waveguide QED using decoherence free subspaces. Many-body localization in waveguide quantum electrodynamics. Probing the many-body localization phase transition with superconducting circuits. Subradiant states of quantum bits coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide. Deterministic generation of arbitrary photonic states assisted by dissipation. González-Tudela, A., Paulisch, V., Chang, D. Waveguide bandgap engineering with an array of superconducting qubits. Nonreciprocity realized with quantum nonlinearity. Observation of Dicke superradiance for two artificial atoms in a cavity with high decay rate. Super-radiant emission from quantum dots in a nanophotonic waveguide. Kim, J.-H., Aghaeimeibodi, S., Richardson, C. Superradiance for atoms trapped along a photonic crystal waveguide. Input-output theory for waveguide QED with an ensemble of inhomogeneous atoms. Cavity quantum electrodynamics with atom-like mirrors. Photon-mediated interactions between distant artificial atoms. Quantum electrodynamics in a topological waveguide. Interacting qubit-photon bound states with superconducting circuits. Generating spatially entangled itinerant photons with waveguide quantum electrodynamics. Generation of nonclassical microwave states using an artificial atom in 1D open space. Ultrastrong coupling of a single artificial atom to an electromagnetic continuum in the nonperturbative regime. Resonance fluorescence of a single artificial atom. Interfacing single photons and single quantum dots with photonic nanostructures. Large Bragg reflection from one-dimensional chains of trapped atoms near a nanoscale waveguide. Atom–light interactions in photonic crystals. Atomic-waveguide quantum electrodynamics. Colloquium: strongly interacting photons in one-dimensional continuum. Waveguide quantum electrodynamics: collective radiance and photon-photon correlations. Our dark-state qubit provides a starting point for implementing quantum information protocols with collective states. Moreover, we perform a phase-sensitive spectroscopy of the two-excitation manifold and reveal bosonic many-body statistics in the transmon array. The dark state’s protection against decoherence results in decay times that exceed those of the waveguide-limited single qubits by more than two orders of magnitude. Here we show the coherent control of a collective dark state that is realized by controlling the interactions between four superconducting transmon qubits and local drives. However, they also decouple from fields that drive the waveguide, making manipulation a challenge. Their inability to emit photons into the waveguide render dark states a valuable resource for preparing long-lived quantum many-body states and realizing quantum information protocols in open quantum systems. Destructive interference between the qubits decouples the collective dark states from the waveguide environment. Superconducting qubits in a waveguide have long-range interactions mediated by photons that cause the emergence of collective states.